Monthly Archives: July 2024

This Saturday, it’s a Special Radio Freedom, our Guest DJ show. We will have in the studio. Robert Hoke of Phoenix, AZ. Robert is a long time Phoenix musician who spent many years working at KPHO – Channel 5 in Phoenix (with Sharon Kelley). He also wrote the theme for The Ladmo Show and Cooking with Rita at Channel 5. Listen in as Robert plays his 15 songs on Radio Freedom. This Saturday at 2pm and an encore Sunday at 12 noon (AZ-PST) on RFP.

In the Radio Free Phoenix Studios
Liz Boyle, Sharon Kelley, Robert Hoke & Andy Olson
Robert and Andy

You can be a guest DJ on Radio Free Phoenix. Just send us your 15 song list and why you’d like to be on the show. Send to