Brad Scalf – Sunday 8-12a

bradsBrad Scalf was born in Illinois and moved to Phoenix in 1965.(Phoenix was a small town back then!) He hung out with the hippies at Encanto Park and went to The Acid Vat and the Liquid Giraffe–both were underground clubs on 16th Street and Indian School. “I used  to hang out at KCAC and was interviewed on the “new” KDKB back in 1972. This was back when the New Times was just starting and was distributed on all high school campus’ in the valley until an uproar about a Planned Parenthood ad cause it to be removed forever. After a stint in the Coast Guard at 17, Brad moved back to Phoenix in 1998, “I’ve been turned on to a lot of good music in my day and love the free form format, I’ve dreamed of doing radio since I was about 10 yrs old and the dream has come through!” Listen to Brad on RFP, Sunday evenings 8-12 p.m.