Tagged: #Positviti #AntiBullying #JulietCahow #Bullying #StopBullying

According to the  National Education Association Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullyingeach year. Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying. 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester. One organization is deflating that number by spreading kindness.

Meet Julie Cahow, the 16 year-old founder of Postiviti an anti-bullying and emotional support organization that positions itself  to affirm, encourage, and support students of all backgrounds on a global level. 

High schooler, Juliet Cahow, (pictured above,) and her quest for silencing bullying, has lead her to star Positivit, an organization that is purposed to affirm, encourage, and support students internationally. High schooler, Juliet Cahow, (pictured above,) and her quest for silencing bullying, has lead her to star Positivit, an organization that is purposed to affirm, encourage, and support students internationally.Founder Juliet Cahow was selected as Endeavor Elementary’s Outstanding Volunteer of the Year and as an OCPS Outstanding Volunteer of the Year nominee for her establishment of Positiviti Junior. Photo Credit/ Juliet Cahow ( Positiviti.Weebly.Com)



Through its website, partnerships with schools, organizations, and provided resources for those to get involved, Positivi was created with to serve as online safe-haven, in addition to its  social media outlets such as Instagram  and Facebook that  provide students with additional words of optimism throughout the day!



Get Involved with Postiviti Now and follow them in action on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram

Spreading Love through Social Media, Positiviti provides positive vibes and resources on a daily basis!

Follow Positiviti on Instagram @Simplypositiviti
