1  Why This Obsession with Free Form Rock?
2   Does Anybody Really Care?
3   Who Is Andy Olson Anyway?

1  Why This Obsession with Free Form Rock?

Because it’s a vibrant format that has sadly disappeared from the airwaves. A big corporation is less then willing to try radio like this, really, it’s out of the question. Free Form Underground Rock Radio is like a seed, that given time, will blossom into a mighty thing. Generations of disc jockeys have gone through their radio careers without ever tasting musical freedom. The power and profound impact of selecting one’s own music and creating a personal flow to their show creates a vested interest in the whole experience, not only for the DJ, but the listener as well.

2   Does Anybody Really Care?

Yes, millions of people have turned off their radios over the years because they couldn’t find anything worth listening to. The baby boomer generation of the 60’s and 70’s had the hope that anything is possible, and enjoyed this kind of musical freedom, not knowing that its time was limited and that radio stations all over the country would one day play a homogenized blend of music (no matter what the format) that disregarded the regional diversity that it was originally created in.

3   Who Is Andy Olson Anyway?

Andy Olson is a long time Phoenix DJ who has been on the air since 1982. He picked up his early musical knowledge from Top 40 stations in Phoenix like KRIZ & KRUX. In the late 60’s, KRIZ was known for having a large playlist (Top 50 + 30-40 fresh new songs and album cuts too) and jocks that had the freedom to interject politics and humor in their shows. KRIZ played everything from the Mothers Of Invention to the Carpenters. KRUX had a tighter playlist (Top 30 + 3 or 4 Hitbound), but it was at KRUX, Sunday Nights from 10PM – Midnight that the KRUX Underground was born with William Edward Compton at the helm. Fresh from Tyler, Texas, Bill Compton (known as “Little Willie Sunshine” on KRUX) spun an eclectic mix of underground rock that made him so popular, he was promoted to afternoon drive. Ray Thompson (another great voice) took over the KRUX Underground while Bill Compton, unhappy with the confines of KRUX and top 40 radio, talked with the owner of a near-bankrupt AM station in east Phoenix about trying a Free Form Underground Rock format like the KRUX Underground. KCAC (see story), was a 500 watt daytime-only station that created a huge buzz in its short existence. It’s also the station where the slogan “Radio Free Phoenix” was used for the first time. It’s in this context, that Radio Free Phoenix, and the spirit it was created in, is dedicated to the memory of William Edward Compton.


  1. Bruce Livolsi February 8, 2014 2:45 pm  Reply

    I can’t seem to listen on my Galaxy Tab 3. Any suggestions?

  2. Terry Craig June 18, 2017 5:50 pm  Reply

    Any opportunities for “guest” DJ spots?

  3. Joon Wolfsberg August 7, 2017 6:03 pm  Reply

    Hello 😀
    my name is Joon from the Blues/Rock band “Joon Wolfsberg“
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoonsMusic/
    We’re releasing a new album in Dec 1st 2017 called “1220 Wells Street“
    and would really love to hear what you think about it.
    Here you can pre-hear the album in short: https://goo.gl/A6BVUE
    If you’re interested in airing a song or so I will happily provide you with the full album
    either digital or I can send you a CD
    Thanks a lot in advance for your time 🙂
    All the best

  4. Mark M. February 6, 2018 11:21 am  Reply

    Great station, but I stopped listening when you have to inject politics into music with the Angry Arizonan. Did it occur to you that not everyone shares these views or wants to hear screaming?
    Whether your views are wrong or right, I dont want to hear them! Stop the politics!

  5. laserles February 12, 2018 6:38 pm  Reply

    The Angry Arizonan’s brilliant and hilarious interpretations of global facts makes my day…!
    Ben…you are quite the mad-man…

  6. Mike Jackson December 1, 2018 1:19 am  Reply

    LOVE Ben Tyler (Angry Arizonan).
    HATE no response from Andy & “The Crew” re: WTF HAPPENED TO “ZAPPA UNIVERSE” on Sunday nights?
    Tom Tuerff had it goin’ on with that show at that time slot.
    “Psychedelic whatever” is OK but NOT as good as Tom’s “ZU” show. Sorry. NO I”M NOT(heeheeheee) Apologies for my selfish-yet-possible-contribution-driven solution for my ANGER!!!
    —Angry Arizonan Zappa Fan
    What gives?

    • admin February 3, 2022 1:56 pm  Reply

      Hi Mike, Tom became very busy in late 2009 and could not do any new Zappa Universe shows after that. We ran the show in reruns for close to 6 years or more. The earlier shows had a lot of myspace mentions, and Tom felt it had run its course, so we pulled the show. I have been working on placing the archives online.i will let you know. THanks for listening – Andy.

      • Mike Jackson February 3, 2022 8:21 pm  Reply

        Thank you for a reply Andy from my post on December 1, 2018.

  7. rocky March 14, 2019 6:07 pm  Reply

    Great music

  8. John Bennett April 20, 2019 7:45 pm  Reply

    Wondering what the url is for your steam?

      • smith July 9, 2024 10:38 pm  Reply

        as of now ,, link not working ,, too bad

          • smith July 21, 2024 11:30 am 

            Thank You for the new stream link post.

            When WBCN left the air waves in Boston few years back,
            Radio went downhill here in New England.
            R.F.P. fills what once was.
            Now happy in southern N.H.

  9. Glenn Herbst September 12, 2019 9:40 am  Reply

    Quite Simply, this is ‘Radio done Right’. I was a KSTM listener in the 80s and miss their format. Guess what? Great music is still here and I only needed to find it. Now, I have a music source I can actually Listen to every day, and continually be surprised! Thank you all at RFP for providing exceptional music, old and new.

    • Joe Vance September 12, 2019 8:43 pm  Reply

      I grew up listening to KDKB back in it’s early years, along with did a program with Hank Cookenboo called “European Hour”. Was not enamored with the name but the essence was European progressive music that most had not heard of any info on the bands, like Henry Cow, Home, Kaipa and such. Hank was a great guy to work with and the music on KDKB was listenable and reasonably intelligent, not the mind numbing bubble gum and disco. Great programs too, like “The 4th Tower of Inverness”, that were very creative. Lots of Firesign Theatre, Congress of Wonders and such. Radio at it’s finest.

  10. Ademola Usuanlele September 12, 2019 8:39 pm  Reply

    I agree with you. Andy Olson is doing a phenomenal job. He is one of the best kept secret in plain view.
    I commend his efforts. We need more like you to come forward and commend Andy. I encourage all you to be nice and commend his efforts. Share the info about Andy and station. Advertise invite him or suggest to gigs and events where he will paid handsomely for his work. Encourage musicians or other great people you know to feature in his show. I have known him since November 2009. He has never disappointed me to date. Please support this station. Let’s make it number in the USA and then the world. Advertise your events with them. God bless you as you do. The Peace Maker (,Ademola Usuanlele) groupehaus.com & HAUSMARKETS.COM http://www.thepinkshields.org http://www.admovich.love

  11. Jeff Dean September 25, 2019 9:44 am  Reply

    Great music, I particularly like the artists that get little airtime on other stations. You do find the gems. You are an intelligent group of people who know music. I almost fell out of my chair laughing at the Daniel McCarthy commentary. A great break between the great songs.

  12. joe Vance October 8, 2019 1:45 pm  Reply

    Sorry. Just got back on here an noticed I had not completed my comment on September 12th. Meant to include that i love what Andy is doing with RFP, reminds me a lot of the Compton/KDKB era, though I have to agree with Mark M that the Angry Arizonan is rather annoying and a minor hint, not all people who enjoy good music as stark raving liberal nor like screaming, hence my issues with Sam Kinison. Just present great music, leave the politics to the fools that want to be upset about everything. There is enough of that in media already, it would be nice to have a place to just relax and enjoy. Otherwise, keep up the great work. I do wish there was an iTunes, or Music link now in Apple Internet Radio. Keep having to copy and reset the URL in my iTunes folder. Thanks guys.

    • Mike Jackson October 11, 2019 10:47 pm  Reply

      Love the music, and satire RFP provides….George Carlin, Firesign Theatre, et.al… AND Ben Tyler….can’t experience this ANYWHERE but here….miss the “Zappa Universe” shows Andy & Jeff…..but thank you both for that and everything else that RFP is continuing to be progressive with moving forward…sorry I wasn’t able to attend the 40’th party in Scottsdale this year dang it! Heard it was a GAS!! Hope you had the privilege Joe to attend. It’s ALL good!!

  13. John H. December 6, 2019 5:09 pm  Reply

    I’m very pleased to see you have The Spongetones in regular rotation! I will pass the word to Jamie and Steve the next time we talk 🙂 Bravo!

  14. Pantelis Vassilakis July 4, 2020 11:51 pm  Reply

    Very happy I stumbled upon the station. I had given up on radio for music. Now back on track. Keep it up! We’re out there listening.

  15. Charles L. December 29, 2020 10:53 am  Reply

    Just discovered you after all these years whilst planning a trip to your area. So so awesome, and left a little donation. Keep it up!

  16. CMHAZ May 22, 2022 2:28 pm  Reply

    Anyone familiar with a Tempe band called “Agriculture” with Dan Bieber? They had a cd back in 2002, but I have not been able to locate any info on them. Played at “Sail Inn” in Tempe, and on Ash. Any help???

  17. Tim the (un)Enchanter August 8, 2022 11:01 am  Reply

    discovered this station while looking for streams to play on a python app I wrote.

    fantastic station, reminds me of the days of the Storm and the Zone when they played “good” music.

    keep it up!

  18. Mike Trottier September 23, 2022 9:40 pm  Reply

    Happy Birthday Andy. I’m less than one behind you. Thanks for the music- Enjoy!

    • admin September 26, 2022 12:58 am  Reply

      Hi Mike, Thanks for the Happy B-day and thanks for listening!


      • Mike Jackson September 26, 2022 8:02 am  Reply

        Hi Andy- Sorry…wrong “Mike”….nonetheless Happy Birthday and thankyouthankyouthankyou for RFP!!!

  19. Roland Zander September 28, 2022 10:16 am  Reply

    Hello and best regards from Bochum (Germany) . I always listen to you when I’m working on the PC at home. Great music.

  20. Mike Trottier October 11, 2022 9:40 pm  Reply

    Great set tonight Liz! You could retire on this one, but don’t.

  21. John May 6, 2023 8:49 pm  Reply

    Why, all of a sudden, am I getting advertisements when listening?

    • admin May 7, 2023 12:29 am  Reply

      What app and/or program are you using to listen to Radio Free Phoenix?

  22. JustaPhoenixRockhead January 13, 2024 6:46 am  Reply

    Mike McCoy! Great to hear you on the air again!

  23. Joe Vance January 24, 2024 11:26 am  Reply

    Hi Andy. Been a while.

    I love the new/old bumper sticker design. Got the old KDKB bumper sticker look down perfect, even to the font for the call letters.

    Good job.


  24. planetjeff November 18, 2024 4:51 pm  Reply

    My wife and I attended the fun 20 year anniversary yesterday at Roosters, and you have two new fans! We’re friends of Holly King the Rockabilly Queen.

    • admin November 19, 2024 9:21 am  Reply

      It was great that you both were able to attend the anniversary show at Roosters. I’m glad you’ve discovered Radio Free Phoenix!

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